Accountants take another big hit for 189 invitations –

DIBP have nicely adjusted the way they will interpret the occupational ceiling of 4,785 places for 2017/18. It was thought that this was all for the 189 visa program. However they have now added a note specifically for Accountants to read

*Occupations that are subject to pro rata arrangements. For Accountants (2211) the occupational ceiling also reflects volumes in other skilled visa categories.”

This is very important and mirrors what DIBP did at the start of the 2016/17 program year. On that occasion they boosted Accountants hopes by saying initially that the ceiling will rise to 4777 places. But then dampened that by saying (just for Accountants) that it will include visas granted for all points test categories (489, 189, 190) and Employer sponsored categories. The effect was a drop down to just 2,500 places

They look to have now done the same for 2017/18.

So in short the 4,785 places seem to be including ALL state sponsored 489 and 190 visas as well as RSMS (187) and ENS (186) visa Accountant grants. As they all come under the general interpretation of “other skilled visa categories”

That in effect will reduce the number of places for Accountants down from 4,785 to more likely around 2500-3000. (same as last program year)

Given that 2633 EOIs have been invited already, and DIBP invited ZERO in the last round, this looks awful for the rest of the program year.

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