Having been asked by a client we ran a few tests and it seems possible to change an occupation on the EOI system. This may be an advantage for an Accountant or IT person who has had a long wait and is able to change to another occupation (you still need the skills assessment) that is getting a quicker invite.

A couple of things though you need to be careful of

– If you change the visa subclass or the points total then the EOI effective date will change to the current date
– If you have had a birthday since you lodged your EOI then the EOI effective date will reset to this, even if that birthday has NOT changed your points

This last point about birthdays (that do not change your points total) seems a problem in the Skill select EOI Algorithm and we have raised it with DIBP.
Of course this is still a bit of a raffle as that may slow down those occupations you change to , but you will have to make that judgement…

(Source: Iscah)