Student graduate visas

Iscah currently manage over 300 student graduates in their
pathways for permanent visas in Australia

Here is a link that will provide you with a free email assessment

Assessment Purpose

An email assessment aims to evaluate the effectiveness, security, or efficiency of your email setup, including aspects like layout, content, and potential vulnerabilities.

Security Checks

It might cover security measures such as checking for phishing vulnerabilities, malware, spam filters, and general email security protocols to ensure the protection of your inbox.

Performance Evaluation

This could involve assessing email delivery, open rates, click-through rates, and engagement metrics to determine the effectiveness of your email campaigns or communications.

We can provide a full consultation on the phone or by email if you wish

Communication Flexibility

Choose between phone or email for consultations, allowing you to engage per your convenience and preferred communication style.

Tailored Advice

Receive personalized guidance relevant to your needs, questions, or concerns, ensuring the consultation is specifically tailored to your situation.

Comprehensive Support

Get a full spectrum of support, addressing various aspects of your queries or issues, enabling a thorough understanding and resolution.

We also have a Facebook page where you can receive daily updates on visa changes

Daily Updates

Timely Information

Facebook Page Presence

Finally our newsletter currently updates 3500 monthly on the most important changes in immigration policy.