Good Morning

Well DIBPs second January skillselect round went ahead overnight.

To produce our results we collect data from our own clients, online forums, other online sources, and feedback from our facebook and newsletter followers. As well as using mathematical logic assumptions we know in the past to be correct.

From what we can see it looks like a round of approximately 300 again and very few if any Accountants. That is worryingly consistent with our articles yesterday that suggests Accountants are going to have to share their allocation with other skilled categories (Employer and State sponsored) and as such will have their round invitations greatly reduced for the rest of the program year.

Because of the way that the Pro Rata ceilings and the skillselect system interact we can confidently assume that ALL 75 (and 80+) pointers have been invited in all occupations except for Accountants and Auditors. With a small number dropping into the 70 pointers for 2611 Business/Systems Analysts.

If the 2611s quota was used there will be an even smaller number of 70 pointers invited in the remaining pro rata and non pro rata occupations. Although we have seen no evidence of this yet.

If you aware of any more recent invites for any of these occupations please email us at with some details so that we can see if this table can be updated over the next 24-48 hours.