Our estimate is approximately 1200 invitations for January 2019.

Pro Rata Occupations look to have been given about 500 places and Non Pro Rata Occupations about 700 of the invites.

We also believe now that December 2018 had around 1200 invitations although not the same pro rata split. This is because we believe there were many wasted EOIs in the system from people who benefited from the increased invites of 11th October 2018, but did not take up these invites. This could be because they had other EOIs with improved marks that they had already received 189 invites for, or they had obtained other visa avenues (ie 190 sponsorship).

Those unaccepted invites from October 2018 would go back into the EOI system after 60 days and so the 11th December round would have reinvited these older EOIs. Hence also why the slower movements in dates that we would have expected from a round that DOHA claim was 4340 invitations.

To produce our results we collect data from our own clients, online forums, other online sources, and feedback from our FB and newsletter followers. As well as using mathematical logical assumptions we know in the past to be correct.
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If you aware of any more recent invites for any of these occupations please email us at query@iscah.com with some details so that we can see if this table can be updated over the next 24-48 hours.

(Please note it is highly likely there are more recent invites we are unaware of … this is just the best we know so far)

Iscah Assistance

Visa Management of EXISTING applications
Ask a Visa Question for FREE
Estimated 189 invitation times
Just Received a 489/189/190 Invite ?
Visa Management of a NEW application

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Our latest estimate table on when you may get invited will be published later today at this stage ..

Please send ANY questions to query@iscah.com